It’s my son’s 6th birthday today. Can’t believe it’s been that long since he decided to pop out.
I did say “that long”, but when I think about it I’m not sure whether that accurately describes how I feel. Part of me feels like he’s always been around (“that long”) but another part feels like it was yesterday- can’t decide which feeling is the dominant one.
Regardless, my life has certainly changed since he graced us with his presence:
1. My vocabulary has changed. 50% of my spoken words include NO, DON’T, STOP, and MARCUS,
2. I have less hair,
3. My hearing is worse,
4. My nerves are shakier,
5. I am more suspicious- just because someone says they’ve finished something doesn’t mean they have,
6. I wake up earlier on weekend mornings- simple philosophy, if he can’t sleep no-one else should either,
7. I have a VIP card at my local optometrist as a result of having to have bought around 30 new glasses and sunglasses,
8. I spend more time looking for items such as mobile phone, keys, wallet, etc. The “I last put it on the table, so it must still be there” approach to finding things has been superseeded by “where could the little bastard have put it” approach,
9. I expect the worst,
10. My total cleaning time has increased by 400%, and
11. The bulk of movies I watch in the movie theatres are now PG.
I have more love in my life! Happy birthday son!