Tuesday 11 November 2008

Finding Motivation

In my current business (recruitment) I frequently do a lot of work for no pay at all. This can of course put a major dent in your motivation and there are days when you simply can’t get over ‘losses’ worth tens of thousands- occupational hazard they call it.

The real trick is to get the motivation back although a particular strategy or approach may not work every time. So you have to look for new things or ways to make it happen.

I had a couple of those days recently where nothing worked. My eldest daughter looked at me and asked what my problem was (cheeky little shit) to which I explained that I lost some money at work.

She immediately slapped in the face and told me to "get over it".

I think the shock of my daughter slapping me must have worked ‘cause I’m back to my normal self.

I guess sometimes you don’t need to look hard for motivation- it could be right in front of you!

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