Friday, 24 April 2009

Ladies- The perfect gift to a man that won’t even cost you a cent

A woman in North Carolina decided to give her husband something different for his 40th birthday. She states that she struggled for some time to come up with something special, but one day whilst participating in a bible study group, she got the ingenious idea.

She promised her husband sex every night for a whole year! I’m sure I speak for the majority of married men when I say that this is truly the ultimate present. The response “it’s just what I always wanted” springs to mind when thinking about an appropriate thing to say when thanking for such a gift.

Not only the ultimate gift, but also ideal for those on a [financial] budget. Perhaps something to consider given the global economic climate?!

Can we also give special thanks to God for giving her the ‘inspiration’. Perhaps the old man upstairs is finally giving us married men a break!

Friday, 17 April 2009

How do they know?

I keep getting emails containing information about how I can please my girlfriend twice as much and twice as long, along with ways for me to stay harder longer.

How do they know? I have a girlfriend?!?

A potential solution for a stressful life

Yesterday I ran into my former boss who was clearly stressed and looked like the world was resting on his shoulders. I asked about work and family to which he replied:

“I’m submitting a motion to Parliament proposing 30 hour days. Don’t know how else to get everything done”

What a great idea!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

It made me giggle!

The other day I was having a chat on FB with a friend I haven’t seen for years. At one time we were very close and I can recall our parents and many friends commenting that they thought it odd us being so close without actually dating.

We began talking about the ‘good old days’ and after a few ‘truths’ we suddenly discovered that we both had mad crushes on each other at the time. When we reached the inevitable question as to why we didn’t say anything to each other or act on our feelings, it all got a bit awkward and embarrassing- I always thought I was one of the cool kids!

To realise how far off the mark I was some 22 years later was both disturbing and amusing all wrapped up in one! Couldn’t help laughing at it though.

Just can’t help it!

I’m usually good at walking away or tuning out when someone in my presence is a complete wanker- I simply don’t have the time and energy to deal with such people, or better yet, I choose not to deal with them.

It saddens and frustrates me when I find myself overcome with a burning desire to contribute to orthopaedic case studies by rearranging someone’s anatomy!

The guy didn’t even know how close he came to being ‘famous’...what a shit day!