My colleague, who has no bizarre conditions or syndromes that I am aware of, does have a very strange habit- putting tape on his face, ears and lips and then pulling it off! He’ll go through a roll in a week or two without using even a single inch for its intended purpose.
I have asked him many times why he does it but I usually get an empty stare. Today, however, I got an interesting reply- “my lips are dry and the tape helps me take the dry skin off”. This curious answer made me ask him what the reason was all the other days, but again an empty stare.
His theory is interesting though- what if it works? I have seen beauty parlours sell very expensive nose strips to remove black-heads so perhaps he’s on to something- a cheaper option perhaps? Either way, putting pieces of clear tape on your ears, forehead and cheeks does look bizarre yet immensely funny- who am I to stop this harmless little habit of his?
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