In addition to expensive rat meat, Cambodia is currently experiencing high unemployment, whilst the City of New York has twenty times the amount of rats than humans- a real problem for NY.
So I had a thought- send 2,000 Cambodians to NY for two months to chase rats (=job creation and solving rat-overpopulation problem), let them keep keep/eat 5% of all rats caught (=food and supplementary income) and send them to Cambodia for 50 cents a kg.
New Yorkers would get rid of the rats and in the process make some extra money to...I don’t know- polish the Statue of Liberty or something. Guess I don’t need to spell out the benefits for Cambodia?!
We should all pressure our Governments to think outside the square. I mean, think about it- who would have ever thought about importing labour to fix a serious problem, which would in turn lead to exports to a country in demand of such a sought-after commodity as rat meat?!?
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