Tuesday 24 February 2009

35th birthday - I could be at my prime!

So I finally reached the milestone of turning 35 years old. Some say that 70 is a lifetime which would make reaching 35 the first step toward the last half of your life, or as somebody so elegantly put it- “closer to wearing diapers rather than further from having worn them”.

What a miserable thought! So much so that I imagined my hairline instantly moving up just that little bit further whilst my sideburns were turning slightly grey!

Have no fear, being a ‘glass half-full’ kinda’ person I decided to find something positive about turning 35, and it instantly hit me:
If 70 is a lifetime and 35 subsequently being right smack in the middle of your life, then I’m neither too old nor too young- I’m simply in my prime! You could say ‘just right’! And, that my friends, is the story I’m sticking with!!!

So thanks to all of you who so kindly pointed out that it’s “all downhill from here” and that I am now "old enough to play in the Masters’ tournament".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My dearest friend....i believe 35 is a prime age because that is when you can truely start you'r life. Not only that, Pat, you still act like a child at times and you'r young at heart. Which is a good thing. So keep smiling, happy birthday and remember that someone out there loves you. Mwah